Research & Development (R&D) @ 腦爸打 — 網頁設計公司


Research & Development (R&D) @ 腦爸打 — 網頁設計公司
Research & Development (R&D) @ 腦爸打 — 網頁設計公司

In addition to being a company that provides customers with one-stop IT information technology services, we will also conduct a number of research and development projects (Research & Development) on our own. Our scientific research team comes from different professional fields, in order to combine IT technology and business mindset with Business Applications, and create new application technologies that have a positive impact on society.



腦爸打有限公司 CompBrother
腦爸打有限公司 CompBrother

Written by 腦爸打有限公司 CompBrother


網站製作,網頁設計, 手機程式開發 iphone Android Apps,Google Yahoo SEO 搜尋排名提升, 網上商店, 短片製作, 圖像設計, 電腦補習課程也一手包辦。

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